Can't create new app version on App Store Connect

It's not possible to create a new version for any App Store Connect app.

To reproduce, I navigate to my app and click the (+) button to create a new version number. I type in a version number, and click "Create."

It fails with an error, "An error has occurred. Try again later."

When I view it in the Network tab of the Web Inspector, it shows that there's a 500 error.

	"errors": [{
		"status": "500",
		"title": "An unexpected error occurred.",
		"detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at"

The same error occurs when I attempt to create an app store version using the App Store Connect API.

Same problem with my app.

I have the same problem too.

I've the same problem too.

Having the same issue this morning

Same issue .. sigh

Same here, an urgent release is awaiting

This is awful timing. My current release has a bug that's causing my app to freeze for a lot of users and I need to push an update!!!

same here....

Same problem here, can upload the app but cannot create a new version.

Same issue

same problem

same here. both api and web don't work.

I have the same problem too.

Same problem

It looks that is a problem with Apple servers. Every one have same problem.

We still have the same error. We cannot finish an update urgently. Could you help us with this issue?

same problem

same here...

same here ......

I have the same problem :(

same problem. opened a ticket with dev support but they never have any clue.

Same issue too as of 8:45 AM PST feb 7

Here too.

One app went though, another returning error 500

Same problem. Still awaiting resolution as soon as possible since I need to submit an app build for review.

same here

Can't create new app version on App Store Connect