Can't create new app version on App Store Connect

It's not possible to create a new version for any App Store Connect app.

To reproduce, I navigate to my app and click the (+) button to create a new version number. I type in a version number, and click "Create."

It fails with an error, "An error has occurred. Try again later."

When I view it in the Network tab of the Web Inspector, it shows that there's a 500 error.

	"errors": [{
		"status": "500",
		"title": "An unexpected error occurred.",
		"detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at"

The same error occurs when I attempt to create an app store version using the App Store Connect API.

Same problem

same problem for us too

Same issue here

Experiencing the same issue—unable to add a new version just when we urgently need to update our app.

I'm also facing the same issue.

Same, tried reuploading app from archive manager, tried on windows chrome, mac chrome and safari. Last version was 2.0.1, next version should be 2.1.3, tried that, tried 2.0.2, tried 2.1.0.

Error on inspect:

{ "appName": "appstore", "payload": [ { "logLevel": "ERROR", "message": "API Response Error: NEW_PLATFORM_OR_VERSION_RESPONSE", "url": "{{removed for security}}/appstore/ios/version/deliverable", "stackTrace": "status code: 500 --- api correlation key: {{removed for security}}" } ], "eventKit": "logger", "env": "PROD" }

Other issues before this error: Metrics config: No config provided via delegate or fetched via init(), using default/cached config values.

The Post Request thats failing

I emailed to Apple Support. Hope they reply.

Same Issue


Been having the same issue across all my apps for hours now.

I have the same problem too.

Same here.


Experiencing the same issue. Hope it gets fixed asap.

I have the same problem, I think there is a global problem.

same problem

I have same issue as well

Same here

I have the same problem. Really have to get out an update.

Hi, Me too.

Same issue

yeah, same issue. its down..

Same here.

I have the same problem

Same here, dear Apple please fix the issue.

Can't create new app version on App Store Connect