Verification failed with status INVALID_APP_IDENTIFIER


We are trying to verify transaction IDs using the App Store Server Library for Python. We have been able to successfully send a test notification, but then when trying to get transaction information for a specific transaction ID we are receiving the InvalidAppIdentifierError (error code: 4000002). We have verified that the bundle_id is correct and matches what we see in App Store Connect, and the bundle_id seems to be valid and work when we sent a test notification. We have also tried setting the bundle_id to be equal to our <TEAM ID>.<BUNDLE_ID>, which is the format for the application-identifier in our TestFlight Build Metadata, but we still receive the same error when doing so.

We would greatly appreciate any help or advice on how to resolve this, and please let me know if any more information is needed to help us.

import os
from appstoreserverlibrary.api_client import AppStoreServerAPIClient, APIException
from appstoreserverlibrary.models.Environment import Environment
from appstoreserverlibrary.signed_data_verifier import VerificationException, SignedDataVerifier
from typing import List

private_key_path = "REDACTED"

with open(private_key_path, 'rb') as file:
    private_key =

key_id = "REDACTED"
issuer_id = "REDACTED"
bundle_id = "REDACTED"
environment = Environment.SANDBOX

client = AppStoreServerAPIClient(private_key, key_id, issuer_id, bundle_id, environment)

def load_root_certs(root_certificate_dir: str) -> List[bytes]:
    root_certificates = []
    for file_name in os.listdir(root_certificate_dir):
        if not file_name.endswith('.cer'):
        root_cert = file_name

        with open(os.path.join(root_certificate_dir, root_cert), 'rb') as file:
    return root_certificates

root_certificates = load_root_certs("REDACTED")
enable_online_checks = True
signed_data_verifier = SignedDataVerifier(root_certificates, enable_online_checks, environment, bundle_id)

    response = client.get_transaction_info(transaction_id_ios)
    signed_transaction_info = response.signedTransactionInfo or ""
    payload = signed_data_verifier.verify_and_decode_notification(signed_transaction_info)

except (APIException, VerificationException) as e:

Thank you for reaching out, unfortunately without information on which app this is for or other details, it is difficult to determine the specifics. Could you please file a ticket in Feedback Assistant ( with the unredacted values and also what time you made these requests, and please post the FB number here.

@dopple_dev You're getting this because you're using the wrong SignedDataVerifier method. Use verify_and_decode_signed_transaction instead of verify_and_decode_notification.

I tested with another app and had changed my BUNDLE_ID which was causing the same error.

Verification failed with status INVALID_APP_IDENTIFIER