"Purchase of this item is currently not unavailable. Item is being modified" error when downloading a free app still in pre-order

The error message "Purchase of this item is not currently available. The item is being modified." keeps appearing for journalists in different countries trying to get early copies of the latest build of my app using promo codes. This error has only started appearing when redeeming promo codes recently. Just days ago, users had no problem redeeming codes for the same build. No changes have been made to the app since then. The app is also free globally with an in-app-purchase option to remove ads. The promo codes to remove ads have been working fine with no error messages, but redeeming the latest build displayed the error message though it has worked days before. Generating new promo codes for the same build did not work either.

This is the message that I got from a reviewer from one journalist:

"I've sent the code over to one of our reviewers, and he says that when he tried to redeem the code to download your app, an error message popped up saying "purchase not currently available, item is being modified".

He's still getting the same error message even after restarting his iPhone. He even tried a different device and checked for updates on both devices to no avail. Can you help?"

It's an urgent matter not only because the press can't review the game, but also I worry it would affect the launch of the app in a few days. What if this error means users can't download the app on launch?

I have experienced the same thing, past and present. In June 2023, it used to take about a week to redeem the code in Japan.

And now, I'm experiencing the same thing again. I hope I can redeem the code soon.

"Purchase of this item is currently not unavailable. Item is being modified" error when downloading a free app still in pre-order