How to Politely Discontinue an iOS/iPadOS Mobile App?

Requesting advice on how to politely discontinue a mobile app and in some way let the dwindling user base know that it is “last call” for the app.

Apple recommends against a hail and farewell release that announces the end of the app in a new release.

Do you just let it dwindle until Apple ejects it for lack up updates and use (apparently after 3 years these days).

We have many other apps and don‘t want to alienate our customer base nor disappoint them with just not updating the app until it dies.

There must be a better way… Suggestions welcome!

Is it a paid app ? Is the app "critical" to your customers or just nice to have ? If critical, what is the option you can propose them for the future ?

You could start by announcing on your web site.

Then, in the next 2 years, observe how much the app is used.

PS: what is the issue to provide a minimal update in 3 years ?

How to Politely Discontinue an iOS/iPadOS Mobile App?