You can only submit two builds per day to Beta App Review.


  • I am using Xcode Cloud to create builds.
  • It contains 2 post actions:
  1. TestFlight Internal Testing - Succeeded
  2. TestFlight External Testing - Failed


  • Xcode doesn't display the exact error it only shows the status as Not Submitted for Beta Review
  • When I checked AppStoreConnect > TestFlight I saw the status as Read to Submit. When I manually tried to add external testers to the build using AppStoreConnect website, then I got the error: You can only submit two builds per day to Beta App Review.


  1. This seems like a very odd limitation. How do we test multiple builds?
  2. Why isn't Xcode the exact error? It only shows Not Submitted for Beta Review


This seems like a very odd limitation. How do we test multiple builds?

You test 2 builds every day… The reason given is that AppStore Connect is not for debugging. You should submit thoroughly tested releases.


Why isn't Xcode the exact error? It only shows Not Submitted for Beta Review

Probably because the exact error is reported elsewhere, in AppstoreConnect and Xcode does not access this information.

Thanks Claude31 for the clarification.

External testing vs Internal Testing

I suppose there can be any number of internal builds in a day, however only 2 builds can be submitted for review for External testers


Xcode Cloud is integrated into Xcode and reports status from AppStoreConnect, IMHO this seems more like a bug where this particular scenario has not been handled.

Even AppStoreConnect doesn't actually show the error unless I try to add external testers.

The fact that Xcode Cloud attempted to add external testers should have triggered the error in AppStoreConnect but however it doesn't seem to have or at least doesn't display in AppStoreConnect. After that it should be relayed to Xcode

I hope the Apple Engineers could have a look at this. Thanks.


I am able to submit more than 2 per day, when I add external testers via App Store Connect

Also interestingly Xcode Cloud build fails only for mac

This definitely seems like a bug.