CodeBrain™ - AI for Swift (Mac Limited beta)

We are looking to recruit some iOS developers to give feedback and help test our AI tool for iOS Developers. In exchange you can use the tool for free during the beta and your feature requests will take priority.

If you are interested in joining the beta invite and TF link is below.

We encourage people to give feedback both good, bad and ugly.



We're excited to invite you to be one of the first to experience the revolutionary CodeBrain™ for Mac app!

CodeBrain™ is an AI-driven app that simplifies coding, making it faster and easier than ever before. 

With CodeBrain™, you can write code in no time with the help of our intuitive and powerful AI-driven code completion. 

We'd like to invite you to be one of the first to try the CodeBrain™ app and give feedback or if you wish you can share your experience with your followers. 

You can download the app from the TestFlight link above.

We think CodeBrain™ is a game changer for iOS Developers and we'd love for you to be a part of it.

CodeBrain™ is an independently developed app. We currently have the following modules available and we are adding more in the coming weeks:

Create a Function...
Create a Class Function...
Create an Extension...
Create Protocol Stubs...
Create a Game Model...
Create a View Controller...
Create a View...
Create a Table View Cell...
Create a Collection View Cell...
Comment This Code...

Some example commands are:

"Create an extension to generate a random color"
"Create a View Controller to display a PDF"
"Create a View with a 2 color gradient background"
“Create a Game Model for Rock, Paper, Scissors”

We look forward to hearing from you. 


  • when will Codebrain be available for developers? Currently, others already supply it for different languages, e.g. Amazon - CodeWhisperer, ..... Anxious to see it also integrated in Xcode.

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Seem like beta isn't accepting any new testers right now. By any chance can I get access? Would love to try it out.

David, Is CodeBrain sufficiently advanced that it can process a command such as "Here is the Swift source code for my existing working app. Now make it run faster." Or, "Suggest ways to improve my existing Swift app."