app cannot be installed because it's integrity could not be verified

suddenly getting this message for test flight installs

what is going on?

I deleted this item in the attached image. And then rebuild a version. It seems fine now .

facing same issue

Some problem

apple seems to have fixed this issue

Yes, I reinstalled the beta apps (previously failed due to this issue) and it worked.

Same problem

We are facing this issue too. The reason is that your device doesn’t recognize the provisioning profile even it has been created and attached to your ipa file correctly.

The workaround I found is to archive the app and generate an ipa file for distribution first, install it to device. With that step, your device has checked and confirmed the app’s integrity. 

Hope that helps, JayZ

the information described in this internet post is additionally impacting myself

Any updates here? I can't debug an iPad app from Visual Studio. It's giving me the same error.

Same problem here.

I was having same issue with new build but creating new build does the trick for me and i was able to install and test my ipa.

App integrity error occur because of external frameworks are not compatible with Code Sign In our developer or enterprise account.

So we need to request external framework team to provide embed code in Libraries to use.

Thanks & Regards, Prasad Y.

This may help, may not. I found that I couldn't debug something I was developing on my physical device. After tearing my hair out I deleted the app from my phone and when it tried to re-deployed I got the same error. I then realized that the APS Environment value in my entitlements was set to production rather than development. I changed it, deleted the app on the phone and re-deployed without error. Might not be the same issue, but this helped me.

app cannot be installed because it's integrity could not be verified