app cannot be installed because it's integrity could not be verified

suddenly getting this message for test flight installs

what is going on?

We're having the same problem

Same here


Me too

we're having this issue since Dec 7 2022, still presisitent till now

Same issue. I have many applications in TF, but one is not working.

same here

I'm facing the same error. When installing a build from TestFlight, getting the error as "this app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified" Any solution team?

Having the same problem.


Same here. Run fine on physical device and upload to testflight successfully but install and run testflight with the same error. The same developer certificate (not expired) worked fine two days ago. I don't know what's going on?

Having the same problem.

Same with my build. Previous build works fine though. Issue arose on 08/12/2022

This is perhaps related to Developer ID Notary Service - Outage. 12/05/2022, 10:30 PM - ongoing 80% of users are affected Users may be experiencing issues with the service. We are working to resolve the problem. This is from Apple's system-stats page

Same here, help please

Same for me. Still looking for a fix...

same today, but not all, I have 4 devices, two can install, other can't, yesterday works fine

Having the same problem. thought it was maybe because we use Screen Time API but dunno.

Yesterday all builds worked fine and we did not make any entitlements changes.

I have the same issue starting 2 days ago. I have tried many of the same "work arounds" as above and still have the same issue

Having the same issue today. There is an issue on the Apple side (Apple System Status), I think this is the cause.

We are facing this same issue, having a significant impact on our pipelines. We have had to pause development for over 24 hours now.

2nd day, same problem...Today morning (GMT +1) working fine for few hours, and than again same problem...I was able to update to the latest version on TestFlight without any problem. After that, same scenario again, "App cannot be installed..."

Still waiting for Apple to resolve issue, meanwhile my client that wanna test the changes that i made in the app's are angrier and angrier...

Do i need to mention that client = founding = money (in this case loosing the same) ???

Did anyone try to release the app and open it for the customers even if this issue is on TF? Does it affect the end-user after releasing the app?

I am having the same issue as well.

I too faced this issue today. Just got a temporary way to install the app successfully. The following steps worked for me:

  1. Delete the old app from your iPhone.
  2. Open TestFlight app on your iPhone/testing device and install the last successful build of your app from TestFlight which didn't cause this integrity issue.
  3. Once old version of your app is successfully installed, then come to latest build of your app on TestFlight app and tap the 'Update' button.
  4. Once successfully updated, now you will be able to open and run your app without any issue.

same to me :(

app cannot be installed because it's integrity could not be verified