iOS build not showing in Testflight

From past 2 days we are not seeing any build on Testflight. Though while uploading it says sucessfully, but when we see it in testflight, it shows us error " Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues, contact us."

Also experiencing the same problem. Builds upload correctly but they do not show up in appstore connect. Seems it happens since late Wednesday. Apple shows there is an ongoing incident:

  • App Store Connect - Issue
  • App Store Connect - App Processing - Issue

Same exact issue for us. Builds uploading but not showing on Testflight and therefore no submission is possible.

We have been experiencing the same issues since Wednesday night. Upload to TestFlight is successful using fastlane or even manual upload, but the builds never show up "processing".

Hello, thanks for these reports. We believe the issue has since been resolved, however if you are continuing to see issues please consider contacting us at or please file an issue via Feedback Assistant

If using Feedback Assistant, please be sure to include your app information to help diagnose the issue. You are welcome to reply with your FB number here as well.

Thanks! Will old builds appear, or is it only fixed for new builds?

That is my question too @revoceci.

I've gone ahead and uploaded new version. Showed up as processing for a few minutes in the Web UI. But then disappeared. I am going to take a walk and will check when back.

Hello, as you may have seen we have updated the system status page to note that we are still looking into these reports. Thanks for your patience.

Yes my new build never did finish processing and stayed "disappeared." I am happy to test upload when you deploy an update. Perhaps something about certain build contents is triggering the issue? FWIW my iOS/iPad app has widget and watch extension. Sundial id976460540.

Two of my previous builds made it into TestFlight! One from Wednesday evening and the other from yesterday afternoon. One from this morning did not.

Interesting that the Upload timestamp in metadata on the TestFlight tab shows just now. I guess that is process time and not true user upload time.

Thank you all for your patience as we worked through this issue, we once again believe this issue to be resolved as noted on the System Status Page.

If you are continuing to experience issues please let us know here or include additional information through Feedback Assistant.

When using Feedback Assistant, please be sure to include your app information to help diagnose the issue. You are welcome to reply with your FB number here as well so we can take a look.

Facing the same issue since 20th Jan, 2023. Uploaded builds from Xcode successfully, but in appstore connect can able to see the uploaded builds under the version name. The new version name also disappears after some time. Raised a Feedback - FB11965770 (Appstore connect TestFlight section shows the version but doesn't contain the latest uploaded builds) for the same and also contacted Apple Support but can't find any solution to this.

I can confirm I have the same issue for two of my apps. I also contacted Apple Support.

Hello Apple Team, I have same big problem, the app I uploaded is not available to choose in app review submission. This is report id FB12159164

how can I solve it? here is a screenshots of this errors on both screens. First we thought that need just wait but this was bad decision.. We were wait for more than 1 month and nothing, status was not changed from "wait for review"!!

Happening to me right now.

iOS build not showing in Testflight