Siri Custom Intents on CarPlay

I have a custom intent that allows a user to start a meeting - they don’t have to pick up their phone at all to start/join the meeting. This works perfectly on device - the intent is created, confirmed, and goes to the custom intent handle(intent:completion:) function where I call completion(StartMeetingIntentResponse(code: .continueInApp, userActivity: userActivity)). This opens the app and starts the meeting - all hands-free.

When my device is connected via CarPlay, this intent can’t be completed. It gets all the way to where I call completion(StartMeetingIntentResponse(code: .continueInApp, userActivity: userActivity)), then Siri responds with “Sorry, I can’t do that while you’re driving.” It never makes it to my app delegate, where I have implemented application(_:userActivity:restorationHandler:) and would expect my app to pick up the activity to start the meeting. Why is this happening?

I have implemented the INStartCallIntent similarly - calling completion(INStartCallIntentResponse(code: .continueInApp, userActivity: userActivity)) and that intent works just fine when connected to CarPlay, but my app has a distinction between calling and meeting so I really need both to work.

I am also having the same issue, My app uses scene delegates. It works fine on the phone but after connecting to carplay the scene continue useractivity is never called at phoneSceneDelegate

Siri Custom Intents on CarPlay