Xcode Cloud Builds Are Unavailable for Testing


In my Xcode Cloud workflow, I have the TestFlight Internal Testing post-action with “App Store Connect Users” included in Groups.

I expected the action would make the builds available for internal testing automatically (just as the builds uploaded from Xcode are). However, they don’t appear in TestFlight: in build history, I don’t see the ASC Users group next to my Xcode Cloud build, and in order to make it available for testing, I have to add the group manually.

After the group is added, the build is published right away, without any extra steps (e.g. export compliance certification, etc.).

Am I doing something wrong here? I’ve tried removing and re-adding the group in the post-action, and even re-creating the entire workflow—all to no avail.

I'm having the same issue, following this thread if anyone has any ideas.

same thing. the build is created and added to the test flight but no one sees is and I have to add the group manually

You need to add post-archive action and share artifacts with internal/external testing group.


Xcode Cloud Builds Are Unavailable for Testing