Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues

Every time I login or click on an app or try and post a build, I see Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues. Hit or miss but pages not loading on App store connect.

If I try and add release notes or change logs or anything else, I see An error has occurred. Try again later.

Same problem here, must be server problems at Apple.

What's annoying is that does not acknowledge it. It's misleading and confusing as I've reset our wifi / network connection dozens of times thinking it must be me.

I've submitted a proposal here:

Same here, App Store Connect is unbearably slow.

Same, and it's when we're less than 2 days away from a submission milestone. It couldn't really happen at a worse time. :(

Same here

The system status page has been updated, and this should be resolved now. Please be sure to let us know if you are still seeing any issues on your side with a feedback report or by contacting support directly.

Same here

Same issue

We have a time sensitive release to happen and the Apple server is not responding. Please Apple fix this issue ASAP.

Same issue

same here. Can not make anything for the last 3 days. Created a ticket but no response

Same here, what to do ???

Take a break, sip some tea, go out for a walk and come back and try later. Since this is the new norm, their servers seem to be okay at midnight (NY time). Try and submit builds then.

Same problem since yesterday.

Sorry, something went wrong. Try your request again. If the problem continues