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Hi, I have a recorder in my app and on iOS 13 the status bar flashes red for a moment when my app calls the function `stop()` from `AVAudioRecorder`.Video: ht tps:// m/a/7 OxycWyRemember, this only happens when I call the function `.stop()` and not before. In the video above I am pressing starting the recorder and stopping it after 1 second and the flash happens. Yes indeed my app calls this right after `.stop()`:try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive( false, options: [AVAudioSession.SetActiveOptions.notifyOthersOnDeactivation])This never happened before iOS 12.I am using Version 11.1 (11A1027).Thank you.
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Hi, I am experiencing dificulties to test my application with the zoomed mode enabled on the the iPhone 6 Plus iOS 12 simulator, I can't find the option to enable the zoomed mode either in the general/developer settings. Is this a bug? What can be done?
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I am migrating my app to support the new PageSheet style of UIViewController and I noticed that the view controller in the background is not fading to black as expected. It should get darker like visible in some examples on the internet. You can see the issue here (I draw a red line to show where the top UIViewController starts and where the one in the back is visible): http🙂s://🙂 (Please remove the 🙂 to open the screenshot) My application uses a UINavigationController as root. Is this the cause of this issue?Thank you.
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Hi,My project uses a library that launches in app notification and these are presented over the status bar for a couple of seconds.On iOS 13 this component stopped drawing over the status bar and the status bar components are overlapping it.Any idea of what can be done to solve this? I suspect the project is in the flag UIWindow.Level.statusBar.Thank you.
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Hi.I have created my launch screen using only a storyboard and I am trying to change its background color for the dark mode. The light mode is colorful while the dark mode is almost black. I know that I can use the System Background Color but this will make my component white when using the light mode but my app logo will not be visible with this color.I have tried to use dynamic named colors inside an Assets.xcassets, but my app is iOS 10 above, so it's a no go.The only solution I found for this problem is to set a image simulating the background for each theme, far from ideal.Any idea of what I can do to solve this problem?Thank you.Pedro
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Hi, the page title is not being displayed in my Safari: Version 13.0 (14608.1.49)System Version: macOS 10.14.6 (18G95)Kernel Version: Darwin 18.7.0
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Hi, I would like to know how to get a transparent background in the new iOS 13's UIControlSegment. Currently it only makes the `backgroundColor` set programatically darker. I want to set it to transparent or set a gradient image on it.The current colors look terrible on my app and I am willing to move it to a third party solution.Why this component sets the white color as grayish? This is really confusing and I can't find any easy way to disable this.
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