Error Analyzing App Version

I am trying to distribute app, but I received the error with no message. Also I tried to validate my previous version (3.5.6) which is currently distributed in the Appstore and received the same error. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

Xcode 13.3.1 Build version 13E500a IDEDistribution.critical.log content: App Store Connect request for store configuration failed. Error: (null)

I am getting the same error - validation fails with previous versions as well - seems like something on the back end

I'm having the same issue and couldn't find any fix so far. Changing the version number or trying the older versions also fails for me.

Same here. Nothing is listed as down on Dev Status.

Same here.

Same here.


Same here..

Seems like it was an appstore issue. Now it got resolved for me...

Same here bro, any fix?

Error Analyzing App Version