Can not install TestFlight version: "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified."


I created an application for a client.

The client put me as a developer in his team on AppStore Connect. For that I use Xcode 13.2.1. It's a UIKit application in Swift with Storyboards.

  • I built the app => no problem
  • I tested it on my iPhone => no problem
  • From Xcode I made an archive and uploaded it to TestFlight => no problem
  • The archive has been received by Apple. It was then processed by Apple => no problem
  • And finally I received a notification that it was available on TestFlight => no problem

TestFlight offers me to install it but when I try it does not install it. If I try to click on the icon of the application it shows me the message

"This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified."

I have tried installing other apps from TestFlight and have no issues.

I checked on my mac for the various certificates for this client and they are all good and valid.

I don't understand why for this application I have this behavior.

Someone would have any idea ?



Answered by in 706012022

Update 2022-12-09: This issue [2] is now resolved. If you continue to have issues with installing or running TestFlight builds, first ensure you're running the most recent version of TestFlight (3.2.3 as of this update), and if so, please file a feedback report as noted below.

Update 2022-03-03: This issue is now resolved for the vast majority of existing builds. We continue to identify and fix a small number of apps still impacted. If you continue to see this issue, the fastest resolution is to upload a new build to TestFlight. If the issue remains after uploading a new build, please file a feedback report as noted below.

Note: If you are not the developer of an app that is experiencing this issue, please contact the developer and refer them to this post.

Update 2022-02-25: This issue is now resolved for new builds you upload to TestFlight. We are working to fix existing TestFlight builds which were uploaded while the issue was happening [1]. Those existing builds should be fixed in the coming days.

This issue impacted apps which contained multiple bundles (for example, extensions) and were being installed on a device for the first time.

If you continue to see install issues for newly uploaded builds, please file a feedback report via the Feedback Assistant app or website, include a sysdiagnose from an impacted device, and post the Feedback number here for further investigation.

We appreciate your patience.


[1] Between Wednesday February 23, 2022 and Thursday February 24, 2022, approximately.

[2] Between Wednesday December 7, 2022 and Friday December 09, 2022, approximately.

I have the same problem. Any help would be great.

hmmm I have this problem too.. I thought it's just me. I've re-created all certificates and provisioning profiles, removed old ones from keychain, but nothing helped. I tried it first in Xcode 13.1 and later updated to 13.2.1 but still the same problem....

i have the same issue with some of apps in testflight

Same problem. Never had this issue before.

Same. Our previous apps can be installed on TestFlight but the app we published today cannot be installed. We removed everything and created from scratch, but still couldn't solve it.

Same here

Thanks for the reports, everyone. We are investigating the issue now. Please watch [1] this thread for updates.


[1] To watch a thread, click or tap the bell icon in the upper right corner. The bell icon will turn blue for a watched thread.

Same here. Never had this issue before :(

I have the same issue with my app in test flight.

Same problem. Never had this issue before.

Same problem. Never had this issue before.

Same here :(

Same problem. Never had this issue before.

Same problem here. I can test with internal users within my Apple Connect account, but if I invite external people to test the app, they get the samem message.

Same problem with my test app in testflight.
Just can't figure it out.

Device info:
iPhone XR with iOS 15.2 ==> success
iPhone 8 with iOS 15.1 ==> failed

Can not install TestFlight version: "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified."