I spent hours to read documentation and watched wwdc videos about on-demand resources and looked through tons of on-demand resources topics on stackoverflow and so, but I still don't understand how Apple stores on-demand resources for app. Does Apple store on-demand resources for each build or it has shared storage for an app?
My assumptions is that one shared storage is used per app (bundle id) but I can't find any proof of that.
For example:
We have app(v1.0) with tag "someImage" (green image).
We publish new app to Appstore (v2.0) with the same tag but with the new image(black image).
App(v2.0) will use new image (black) (according to wwdc 2016 video)
1)Will App(v1.0) be using new image or it will be using old one?
2) Will App(v1.0) be working with tags & resources that were added to App(V2.0)