Our Appclip is not included in our build when we upload to App Store Connect the archive we exported from XCode.
The problem may come from our bundle identifier : in XCode, in the “signing & capabilities” settings, we have 3 errors when choosing as our Appclip bundle identifier the same identifier as the app (companyName.AppNamepart1.AppNamepart2), followed by the .Clip suffix.
Here are the errors we get :
_Communication with Apple failed. App ID configuration error: This app ID does not include the parent app ID. To continue, register a new identifier with the parent app ID as the prefix.
Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *" doesn't support the On Demand Install Capable capability.
Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *" doesn't include the com.apple.developer.on-demand-install-capable and com.apple.developer.parent-application-identifiers entitlements._
We have also tried registering a new bundle identifier on the App Store Connect on this url : https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/bundleId/add/ but we cannot seem to be able to type anything in the “Identifier” input field.
Do you have any lead on how to solve our issue?