App Store Connect Operation Error | "Connection Reset"

When trying to upload my app to app store (testflight) - I have now started to get the following message.

  • App store Connect Operation Error Connection Reset

  • App store Connect Operation Error An exception has occurred: Connection Reset

  • App store Connect Operation Error Cannot perform data center failover (data center is pinned)

  • App store Connect Operation Error An error occurred while calling uploadDone the package named .itmsp

  • App store Connect Operation Error An exception has occurred: Cannot perform data center failover (data center is pinned)

What can I do to resolve this?

Same here!

I have the same issue. Uploading to app store takes way longer than it used to and often results in errors. I have to retry 4-5 times per build before it succeeds.

I have the same issue and tried almost 5-6 times still giving errors. Any update for this?

Is anyone experiencing this? Im getting the similar issue as well while setting up my CD pipeline with AzureDevOps.

Does this has anything to do with Network issue? Following is the error log im seeing.

2022-03-03T02:58:03.3050780Z [02:58:03]: [iTMSTransporter]      Received Server Error Status Code: HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out
2022-03-03T02:58:03.3052600Z [02:58:03]: [iTMSTransporter]      Cannot perform data center failover (data center is pinned).
2022-03-03T02:58:03.3053400Z [02:58:03]: [iTMSTransporter]      Error while processing package 1473115821.itmsp
2022-03-03T02:58:03.3054220Z [02:58:03]: [iTMSTransporter]      An exception has occurred: Cannot perform data center failover (data center is pinned).
App Store Connect Operation Error | "Connection Reset"