Issues in uploading screenshots for iOS app in App Store Connect

We have two sets of screenshot images for 5.5 and 6.5 displays of the iOS app which needs a new version. When I first uploaded the screenshot set for the 6.5 display, it looks all good. Then I uploaded another set for the 5.5 display and headed back to check 6.5 images. I found some of them reported errors IMAGE_TOOL_FAILURE.

Then I deleted all 6.5 screenshots, re-uploaded for the 6.5 display again. However, this time 5.5 had errors. It is like a loop. I tried tens of times.

And, if I upload 6.5 first, it all looks good. And then I go to another tab, for example, the app information tab and then come back. I also find the images are marked as 'The file has been uploaded and is processing ' .

Intriguing, this is at least the second post with the same problem ('The file has been uploaded and is processing) in a few days…

How did you generate images ? With cmd-S in simulator ? With which simulator precisely ? Which Xcode version ?

Did you try to:

  • clear all images
  • load 6.5"
  • Save
  • quit AppStoreConnect and reopen
  • load 5.5".

Same here with an macOS app, just not working

I can confirm, that I have the same problem.

Same problem. I keep trying and eventually some of the screenshots appear to be accepted but others keep failing. Very frustrating.

Same problem here! Images that looked like they were successful randomly turn into red exclamation marks later. Images were saved with camera button from simulator. This is blocking us from submitting an important update.

Happening here as well -- Tried different browsers, diff file names, diff extensions. Apple needs to fix this asap!

Same here, Please let me know if anyone got any solution or work around :)

Has anyone found a solution?

Rename your upload file to something like (name)-2 and then drag and drop the file into app store connect. I noticed when uploading 3 that only 1 uploaded and the other two failed. I believe when they fail their names are stored somewhere. And that prevents any uploads of the same image. I'm not sure if dragging does anything. But definitely rename and drag & drop, one at a time for now.

Had this issue and resolved it by exporting my screenshots as png instead of jpg (which was the file extension of my screenshots when I had this issue).

Same issue - we've resized, stripped out Alpha channels and transparencies, and uploaded one at a time, and logged out and in again, but nothing seems to work. When uploading 5 at once they all appear ok at first, then the warning message appears - any advice?

Hey Guys, The same issue here, Any solution for it ?

I'm having this same issue right now - has anyone ever found an answer for it?

Same issue for me

Same issue here

Issues in uploading screenshots for iOS app in App Store Connect