Urgent: distributing release build by command line

Hello, I finished my SwiftUI application. I uploaded the images and the promotional text.

I have to generate and upload the release file. I never did it before. This is my first iOS app.

I cannot add my developer account to XCode, because it does not recognize the password maybe, an error is issued from the server. This is a common issue. It happens to me and other developers with apparently no solution(?). I tried with Catilina XCode 12.4 and BigSur XCode 13.

I need to release my app for the review process as soon as possible.

I think it is possible also with command line but I do not know. I found this page:

How do I archive and export my app for distribution

I wonder whether the account/password issue would be fixed or not, even with the command line instructions.

My app is ready but I am stuck with this strange issue. How to solve this problem with XCode or command line? Thanks

I cannot add my developer account to XCode

This is the problem that you need to solve.

Can you successfully log in to App Store Connect (using your Apple Developer ID and password)?

  • If so, then it should be possible to add this account to Xcode
  • If not, then no other method of uploading the app is going to work

(You should build and submit your app using Xcode 13, for best results with iOS 15)

What do you see when you open Xcode Preferences > Accounts ?

Do you see the + sign at the lower left ?

What happens when you click there ?

My account is working with Apple developer websites like App Store connect and so on. I can click the + button to add my account (enabled automatic sign-in management, click on "Team") and the dialog appears but then the server error is issued "There was an error connecting to the AppleID server" It is the same from Xcode preferences > Accounts

So it is the strange connection error that many developers seem to face.

Urgent: distributing release build by command line