I can't view the new agreement in App Store Connect

I have signed into App Store Connect, and after logging in I am taken to this page:


This page doesn't load anything so I can't proceed with login. Please help. Thanks

Same here, any solution?

Having the same issue

Same issue still, March 30th 2022! blank loading screens, weird errors, not clear all the different places have to go agree to things. Just trying to build, plublish an app!

maybe issue with different loginson machine for apple ID of personal account vs trying to signup to work account?

Same problem and stupid Apple.

same here

april 4th 2022 and we still are with the problem :O

and i didn't see any comment with the solution yet

maybe i will find it in stackoverflow :P

same issue....

hey all, I found this happened with an Apple ID which hadn't been set up with two-factor identification (this may or may not have been the cause, but I wanted to mention it in case this helps someone else). For me, the solution was:

  1. Set up 2FA for the Apple ID (after this was when I experienced the https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/review_agree page not loading, or being blank, when I would log in with the newly-secured Apple ID)
  2. Re-send the invitation to App Store Connect from https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/users (of course, another account that already has access will need to do this part)
  3. Log into https://developer.apple.com using the Apple ID from Step (1) (this may or may not be necessary, but it makes Step (4) go smoother not to be logged in using the ID from Step (2))
  4. Accept the invitation in the email which was sent as a result of Step (2)

This took me right to a properly loading https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/review_agree and now this ID is all set with App Store Connect access.

I hope this is useful!

Cheers, Patrick

The problem is still not resolved. stupid apple

I had to call into Apple Developer support and she had to resend my membership renewal and it fixed the issue. It only took a few minutes.

Yeah, blank page. What's the deal?

Yeah same problem here

Happened to me today (may 2022). Tried several things. The only thing that worked was going to support and getting someone on the phone. Explained the problem, and the person didn't know how to fix it (they didn't see an error on their end). Later they put me on hold for 5-6 minutes to check with someone else, and they fixed it (I recevied an email with access to App Store Connect, and I was able to get in.

So don't waste a lot on time and get on the phone. Total call time was a little under 20 minutes.

same here


I had this same problem on every Desktop Browser, but then was able to log in and accept the agreement using my mobile (iOS Safari) browser just fine.

Hey all, I found a quick and simple solution: you need to login to the app store from your iOS device first. After that it will work in browser.

same issue found while login into the appstore connect account

Same here.. different browsers, different computers, different os`s, different phones... i was able only in the developer app from mac app store... but the sites still not appearing..

In case it helps, I hit this on a new account. I followed the advice to login to ITunes which I did by downloading the Windows version. I logged in, it prompted me to accept the normal Apple Agreement and then this problem magically resolved itself.

why the apple can not fix the little bug? (yes, it is a little and big bug)

same here... once again... what do we do?!

same here again,

Hi , i am facing the same issue, i need to add new team for my existing app, so I can make new provision profile after clicking "Users and Access" and "https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/review_agree" loading forever. I tried different browser, incognito mode , iPhone safari browser but same issue. Is there any solution?

Same on this guys: https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/review_agree

Just blank on all arenas.

I would love to hear any update on this. I am trying to add my developer and after ready the threads, this is not looking good.

How the hell does anyone get an up on this platform?

Looking forward to any answers.


I can't view the new agreement in App Store Connect