I can't view the new agreement in App Store Connect

I have signed into App Store Connect, and after logging in I am taken to this page:


This page doesn't load anything so I can't proceed with login. Please help. Thanks

To You: 2,000 answers from now. I had the same exact issue. What worked for me was going to "https://developer.apple.com/account" and accepting the agreement on that page


Same issue, HTLM elements in page but blank :(

same issue

Same problem

this thread is a year old

what is the damn problem.. I cannot access App Store Connect at all

Same problem. No solution that I can see online.

I have a same problem, the page still display loader nothing displayed again


I have the same problem, please help! Just paid for APPLE DEVELOPER PROGRAM and can't login.

Same here. I phone Apple Store Connect and solve the problem.

My case was because I sign in App Store Connect soon after become an Apple dev member. The backend seems not that quick to be ready yet.

There is nothing wrong with my Chrome or Safari even though the cache is cleaned. Contact them seems the most efficient way to solve.

same here.

Same problem. Can't proceed with my app submission.

I can't view the new agreement in App Store Connect