




Significant increase in 'Other' CloudKit errors
Looking at my CloudKit Telemetry console I noticed a significant increase in 'Other' errors recently. These errors are impacting user experience and I really don't know how to better understand the issues that may be occurring due to the "other" category. If I query the logs for "other" errors, only 2 results show up for the week. There are 2500+ errors in the telemetry graph (see attached). Is anyone else experiencing this or does anyone have a suggestion on how I can better understand this issue? Thank you!
Dec ’24
CloudKit Erasing Private Database with No Errors?!
Starting today around 2PM MST I started receiving emails from users reporting their CloudKit synced data was 'completely gone'... They are reporting no error messages... so that means the CKQuery on the private database is completing without error, but simply not returning any previously saved records... This appears to be only occurring to a percentage of my users and I cannot replicate it on my device (I'm using iOS 17.1.2. Are any other developers experiencing this?!
Dec ’23
CloudKit Console - Internal Error during Query Records
Issue: I'm experiencing intermittent CloudKit Console 'Internal Error' when performing simple queries on a Private database. I am experiencing this issue with multiple CloudKit databases. In all instances, the issue is intermittent. Steps to Replicate in the CloudKit Console: Select a Database Select Records Select Private Database Select Custom Zone Select Record Type Select Query Records IF the records populate, click 'Query Records' again until Internal Error occurs. Expected Results: A list of records Actual Results: 'Internal Error' (see screenshot below) Additional Info: Starting last month, I started receiving CKCloudKit Error 15 when attempting to sync data from a private CloudKit database. My query code has not changed for a few years now with no previous issues. I believe these errors are the 'same' and on the Apple Server side. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Oct ’23
iOS15 BETA + SKProductsRequest Empty/Fail
I started receiving a few emails from users having iOS15 BETA Version 6 installed, noting that my in-app purchases were 'not showing up'. All of my code works well on iOS14.7 and below and has been working well for the past year. I'm currently using StoreKit SKProductsRequest to receive my in-app purchases and if this method fails, the in-app purchases do not 'show up' so I believe this is root cause of the issue. I need to implement better error handling to know if 1) it's returning an empty array of products of 2) failing to return any products. But in either case, is anyone else experiencing this issue? Are there any new requirements for iOS15 for SKProductsRequest or has the schema changed? I will be implementing better error handling and these few users have agreed to report back with the error message details. I will update this message when I receive this feedback but in the meantime, does anyone have an idea of what this might be? Question to the community / Apple: Will StoreKit 1 code still work with iOS15? I assume the answer is 'yes' but I'm just very confused as to why my current code is currently broken on iOS15 Beta 6, but has been working on iOS14.7 and below... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Aug ’21
Organizer/Crashes - WidgetExtensionContext.getDescriptors(completion:)
Is anyone else seeing WidgetKit crashes in the Organizer/Crashes inspector? I am building using the latest Xcode (12.0.1) and cannot replicate any issue on my physical device or the simulator, however the crashes persist in my released build. Here is the crash description: WidgetKit: closure #1 in WidgetExtensionContext.getDescriptors(completion:) + 208 Could this be an issue with iOS 14.0 and was later fixed in iOS 14.0.1? Organizer/Crashes does not specify 14.0 vs 14.0.1 unfortunately. In Xcode 12.0.1, is it still required that Xcode settings be changed to ensure widgets work properly in release? I've seen various forum posts addressing an earlier bug related to Xcode Beta versions (when releasing via TestFlight) by doing the following: 1. Set DEADCODESTRIPPING to NO 2. Disabled bitcode when uploading to AppStore Connect But this was supposedly fixed in the official Xcode 12 release? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Oct ’20