I can't view the new agreement in App Store Connect

I have signed into App Store Connect, and after logging in I am taken to this page:


This page doesn't load anything so I can't proceed with login. Please help. Thanks

Same issue here as well

Same issue

Same issue

too, same problem

Same issue. Anyone find any solution ?

Any Solutions?

Same here

Same here. Edit: didn't meant to 'answer' this question. Just wanted to add to the 'same here' posts in hopes that Apple responds.

Same for this account that was created for sandbox testing ...

When I go to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/review_agree I only have a blank page, console inspector shows that the request to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/ra/ui/log gives this 401 response :

{ "errors" : [ { "id" : "***************", "status" : "401", "code" : "NOT_AUTHORIZED.NO_ACCESS", "title" : "An account is required to access this system.", "detail" : "This Apple ID is not associated with any active account, so it cannot access this system.", "links" : { "see" : "/login?targetPrefix=/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa&errorKey=ITC.signin.error.invalidUser" } } ] }

We solved the issue the following way.


My account (Admin), the one facing the issue, is NOT the account that owns (created) the Apple Connect ac count I was trying to “agree terms” for, hence I was getting this “permission” error.


Only the Apple connect account creator (owner) is allowed to agree new terms. So, chances are that your trying to do this with an account that might be an Admin but NOT an OWNER. Try agreeing terms with the OWNER account instead.

Apple Bug:

The interface should tell the account trying to agree terms that this is not possible if they are not the owner, or the banner prompting the non-owner account to agree terms should not be displayed.

Same issue. Anyone find any solution ?

Solution: Called Apple Developer Support and they were able to fix it in about 5 minutes.

Any solution?

same here

This is an unacceptable user experience and damn apple should address this.

same here

It is Jan 31st, 2022 - still having this issue. Completely unacceptable on the part of Apple.

For anyone who has this problem - somehow logging in with the same Apple ID through iTunes solved the issue for me. I was prompted to accept the terms here, then I was able to log in through the other portals. Hope this helps :)

Still busted here too (FireFox (with and without tracking protection) and Chrome), new company developer account.

Not a great experience.

I have two clients on Hold because of this, What am I supposed to do? tell them that they are not going to have their app in IOS?

Same neither... Any solution yet?

Been having the same issue for the last few days and nothing has happened yet. Definitely not a good experience.

I waited 3 days and the problem went away by itself (!)

Same here. My app is released for Android and not for IOS because of this

This worked for me after LONG time of trying, I opened a new tab and signed in on itunes using the same browser, then tried accessing the "app store connect" again and it worked.

I can't view the new agreement in App Store Connect