rvictl- Device gets disconnected on iOS 15

After upgrading to iOS 15, rvictl does not work as expected.

It starts the device at rvi0 successfully but within few seconds rvi0 interface is getting closed. Wireshark says interface no more connected.

"rvictl -s" prints "Could not get list of devices" after few seconds.

Is this a known issue with iOS 15? Any workaround?

I've tried on macOS Big Sur, version 11.6

This is true. I'm observing same result.

I am observing the same using Big Sur 11.6 with Apple M1 chip. The iOS version has no impact. Tried on iOS 15 and iOS 14.2.1 with the same result. rvi0 gets disconnected after 10 - 15 seconds. Tried the suggestions from other threads like "csrutil disable". Did not fix it. I have another older MacBook (Intel Chip) which is working fine.

See https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/692882 and follow links in it. No solution yet AFAIK

Since upgrading to IOS 15, the same problem

yes, the same problem to ios 14.8 12mini.

It doesn't work with Xcode 13.1. I use BigSur 11.6.1 and iOS 15.1. Actually it works intermittently when we restart phone or System, Not sure what fixes the problem and it comes back if we disconnect the phone. No clear work around yet.

Same issue with Xcode 13.1, Big Sur 11.6.1 and iOS 15.1 iPhone XS and iOS 14.7.1 iPhone 7. Both devices disconnect after 10-15 seconds.

I believe issue is not with iOS, it is with Big Sur. Need to check whether the same is coming in latest Mac versions.

rvictl- Device gets disconnected on iOS 15