Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle

Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle ***.***.XX [Payload/😆 is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. A Distribution Provisioning profile should be used when submitting apps to the App Store. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90161 for id 81c3cef4-fefe-468d-910c-cf7a4b5377a8

Any help? I have tried to create new provisioning profile and identifiers but still get this error when uploading app to the App Store.

I am having same issue, issued new profiles in the developer portal and through Xcode, no luck ....

Create a new distribution certificate through Xcode. I have just done this and it now works.

Preferences > Accounts > Choose team > Manage certificates > + Apple distribution > Archive and upload

If you are using CI / CD - I would imagine that you will need to create a new distribution cert in the portal under the certificates and identities section.

You will need to grab that newly created cert and manually change which one is being used in your CI

The issue itself seems to have come from Apples side and that some of the Capacitor / React Native / Cordova / Ionic apps are needing to be re-signed with a fresh cert.

Creating a new distribution profile helped me. Here are the steps: 1: Xcode - File - Settings - Accounts - Apple IDs - select your apple ID - Select your team - Click on manage certificates: If you do not have Apple distribution certificate then click on "+" button and create Apple distribution certificate. 2: Go to - Create profile - Select App Store under Distribution tab - click continue - Select your app id - click continue - Select certificate you just created and click continue - Download profile 3: Double click on profile and it will be installed 4: Archive new build 5: While distributing app select App store connect - Export - Manually manage signing - select provisioning profile for - export build to desktop 6: Install Transporter app by apple: 7: Loging with your account - Select your team 8: Select/Drop your .ipa file you just created. 9: Click on distribute.


I am facing same issue after upgrading to Xcode 15 betas.

Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle