Simulator troubleshooting.

I'm trying to troubleshoot some things by using the iPhone Simulator and I'm running into problems at every step.

I'm unable to install apps. For every app I tried, I got an error like:

(I'm not sure what I should be munging - advice welcome)

Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/02F3C6F1-D98C-munged-CEE15C81A8A7/data/Library/Caches/; Extra info about "/Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/02F3C6F1-D98C-munged-CEE15C81A8A7/data/Library/Caches/": Couldn't stat /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/02F3C6F1-D98C-munged-CEE15C81A8A7/data/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory

I can't send Messages or turn on Messages in iCloud.

I try and set a passcode and it won't stick.

Simulator running on an M1 MBA, macOS 11.2.3. Default iPhone (12 Pro Max, iOS 14.5)

  • Is the Info.plist actually present in the app bundle you are trying to install?

  • Realized I didn’t specify that I was trying with popular presumably relatively bug free apps when I wrote “For every app I tried, I got an error like” Not ones I had built. So yes they had the Info plist files.I never did figure this out, but forgot to come back here.

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