App Tracking Transparency

Is App Tracking Transparency permission somehow broken only on my device (iOS 14.5 beta, iPhone SE 1st. gen), or everyone experiences the same issue?
Buttons are disabled - grayed out, ATT request dialog does not show on request.
Answered by in 675151022
Hi alesp5656, everyone. While I can't share details, I can confirm that multiple issues that affected this have now been fixed, both client-side and on the back-end.

Your continued bugs and persistence were instrumental in identifying the underlying issues. Thank you to everyone for filing bugs. If this issue is resolved, please use Feedback Assistant to mark your bug as closed. If it's not resolve, please continue to update bugs (or file new ones).


I am having the same issue. I am using iOS 14.4.2 and and am not part of the 'restricted states' as described above by Jason. The prompt isn't even prompting a message and I am very confused as to why. I am also not able to enable apps to request tracking, although I signed out of the app store and I could turn it on, but the request to track message in my app would still not appear. I will notify feedback assistant as well.
We have a user on iOS 14.5 beta version 5 who is seeing what appears to be the same issue. They do not appear to be in any sort of restricted state, and they do not see any app-specific option to toggle tracking in their device settings (though they do see the device-wide "Allow apps to track" setting). It's as if tracking is being auto-declined for our app instead of presenting the prompt, and without allowing for changes in the device settings.

Strangely, if the user factory resets their device, they are able to see the prompt. After restoring their device data from iCloud though, they revert to the state of not seeing the prompt or being able to enable tracking.

(Feedback assistant report FB9053485)
Beta 7 is out and it's seems the alert has been fixed. Just tried with my apps built with Xcode 12.5 beta.
On my device, with 14.5 beta 7, the issue persists. Switches are grayed out.
Unchanged in beta 8
Hi folks, I wanted to provide some more details on the "restricted states" I mentioned previously:

There are five potential states that may prevent the device from showing App Tracking Transparency controls (per privacy policies):
  1. The age associated with the signed in Apple ID account is under 13 (or under 18).

  2. The system is unaware of the current age of the signed in Apple ID account. This may be true for brand new accounts for some number of days after account creation.

  3. The signed in Apple ID account was created by an educational institution.

  4. The device is in Shared iPad ("education") mode.

  5. The device has a mobile device management profile installed which restricts tracking.

The App Tracking Transparency engineering team was able to confirm that almost all the reported issue [1] fall into at least one of these states.

If you believe this is not the case for your device, please download and install the Ad Platforms logging profile, capture a new sysdiagnose, and update your existing Feedback report (or file new Feedback).

Please (re-) post the Feedback numbers afterward so they can be associated with this thread.


  1. Some of the reports (such as the one by jrosicka (FB9053485)) appear to be a different issue, and are still under investigation by the engineering team. A new sysdiagnose with the Ad Platforms logging profile installed would help here also.

Hello, I am having the same issue. I am using iOS 14.5 and there is always authorization status "RESTRICTED" when requesting ATT permission. 
Tracking setting is auto-disabled and not allowed to change.
My account do not appear to be in any sort of restricted state (age, MDM, EDU).
On my other device (with iOS 14.4) with same Apple ID I can see the prompt and ATT setting works fine.
Device reset (with no data restore) didn't help.
(My Feedback assistant report - FB9089120)
My device/account is not in any of those mentioned states, and it is still happening. In addition, now it is happening on my two other devices with production iOS 14.5 too (with 14.4, everything worked as expected) - I'm using the same (old) Apple ID everywhere.
Of course, on the "beta device" with iOS 14.6 issue persist. I will try to create an additional sysdiagnose and attach it to my initial FB.

We are not the only ones. There are multiple articles that this is happening in the production to the regular users.

I've faced the same issue after update to iOS 14.5
My device and apple id account are not in any of the states mentioned by Jason

Created feedback FB9091320
Hi folks,

iOS 14.5.1 and iOS 14.6 beta 2 are now available, and contains a fix that addresses the "never shows an ATT alert" issues that have been mentioned in this thread.

If these updates don't resolve the issue for you, please file a new bug with a new sysdiagnose with the Ad Platforms logging profile installed.


Updated to iOS 14.5.1, the issue is still there
Created feedback FB9106022
Issue persists on iOS 14.6 beta 3 (FB9108863)
After reading some of the news, I checked again, and mysteriously, the ATT switch & personalised ads were over the night re-enabled (I can turn on/off). Automagically. On all my devices (production 14.5.1 & 14.6 RC).
It looks like the bug was resolved "remotely". Case closed, I would say.

PS: Any insight into what was causing the issue? Probably no, right? 😅
Accepted Answer
Hi alesp5656, everyone. While I can't share details, I can confirm that multiple issues that affected this have now been fixed, both client-side and on the back-end.

Your continued bugs and persistence were instrumental in identifying the underlying issues. Thank you to everyone for filing bugs. If this issue is resolved, please use Feedback Assistant to mark your bug as closed. If it's not resolve, please continue to update bugs (or file new ones).


App Tracking Transparency