iOS 14.2 Reality kit uses double the CPU usage

The reality kit starter project offered in xcode uses around 50-55 percent of the CPU in official iOS 14.1. However, the cpu usage of the same starter project, which contains no custom code or object entity, just an ARView, uses 90-105 percent of the CPU Usage in official iOS 14.2. I've tested it out on multiple iPhone 11 Pro and the numbers are the same. I am a little curious what is causing the realty kit to use double the cpu power and is this a glitch that can potentially be fixed.


We're seeing the same results on our current, unreleased project. Its very concerning and we're considering switching to ARKit instead just because of this.

I recommend that you file a bug report detailing the issues that this cpu usage is causing for your application using Feedback Assistant.

Also note that dropping down to ARKit and using some other renderer instead of RealityKit will probably not alleviate your CPU usage problem. If you run a Time Profiler trace on a simple world tracking configuration with plane detection enabled, you will see comparable CPU usage to the RealityKit template project.