




Unable to connect to Wifi AP with AccessorySetupKit
Hi, I'm trying to connect to a Wifi access point with the new AccessorySetupKit framework. At first i thought that ASK would establish the connection to the access point but then it was mentioned in the session that I need to do that myself with NEHotspotConfigurationManager. I tried to do that but every time I get this error: NEHotspotConfigurationErrorDomain Code=17 "system denied configuration of the accessory network." My AP is just a small ESP32 but I get the same results with any other AP. Looking at the logs in for my device, I see some interesting logs such as these: Subsystem:, Category: ASAccessorySession Received event: DADeviceEvent: type DeviceChangedDADeviceEvent: device DADevice: ID D0A7B5FB-6800-4B73-9DC4-697DDE791D2B, name 'Printer Emulator', flags AccessorySetup, SSID 'ESP32-AP', type Hi-Fi Speaker, { DADeviceAppAccessInfo: com.criboe.GBPE, ID D0A7B5FB-6800-4B73-9DC4-697DDE791D2B, state Authorized, < WiFi >, Time 2024-07-10-11:16:40.389, disConfig asID 6CC66EF2-9D12-4071-92E4-7038D741D5E5, btSv [], com.criboe.GBPE, flags 0x8 < RenameSSID >, hSPs [ "ESP32" ] } Subsystem:, Category: DADaemonServer [WiFi] profile not found for SSID = 'ESP32-AP' [WiFi] profile not found for SSID = 'ESP32-AP' [WiFi] profile not found for SSID = 'ESP32-AP' ...and many more... Subsystem: --, Category: (wifid) WiFiManagerAddNetworkAsync: Request to add network with content: ESP32-AP: isHidden=0, isEAP=0, isSAE=0, isWPA=0, isWEP=0, WAPI=0, type=0, enabled=(null), saveData=(null), responsiveness=(null) ((null)) isHome=Unknown, isForceFixed=0, transitionDisabledFlags=(null), foundNanIe=0, isPH=0, isPublicAirPlayNetwork=0, is6EDisabled=0, hs20=0, Channel=0 WiFiManagerAddNetworkAsync: adding ssid='ESP32-AP' bundleId='com.criboe.GBPE' appName='Camera Boy' originator='3rd Party' HS20=0 __GetNetworkWithSameSsid: network ESP32-AP not found WiFiManagerAddNetworkAsync: 'com.criboe.GBPE' is authorized to join 'ESP32-AP: isHidden=0, isEAP=0, isSAE=0, isWPA=0, isWEP=0, WAPI=0, type=0, enabled=(null), saveData=(null), responsiveness=(null) ((null)) isHome=Unknown, isForceFixed=0, transitionDisabledFlags=(null), foundNanIe=0, isPH=0, isPublicAirPlayNetwork=0, is6EDisabled=0, hs20=0, Channel=0' What is weird is that if I don't use ASK to first find my accessory and simply call NEHotspotConfigurationManager.shared.apply(_: ) I can connect to the AP just fine. Any suggestions to what might be wrong here?
Jul ’24