Ive been working on some code for looking at the disks from my old Roland sampler. Even though the system pops up a warning .
"The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer."
<ignore> <eject>
It is actually possible to read the disks at this point from the command line, and copy them using dd.
what Id like to do is :
1) be informed a floppy was inserted
2) be able to check its structure and if its a sampler disk prevent the ignore/eject alert popping up.
I have looked at Disk Arbitration very briefly but am not sure if this all I need to be looking at.
Any advice would be helpful.
"The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer."
<ignore> <eject>
It is actually possible to read the disks at this point from the command line, and copy them using dd.
what Id like to do is :
1) be informed a floppy was inserted
2) be able to check its structure and if its a sampler disk prevent the ignore/eject alert popping up.
I have looked at Disk Arbitration very briefly but am not sure if this all I need to be looking at.
Any advice would be helpful.