Disk Arbitration

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Provide mechanisms for registering for mount/unmount notification and blocking mount/unmount events using Disk Arbitration.

Posts under Disk Arbitration tag

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Mounting an external disk from a sandboxed app
I’m attempting to make an app that uses Disk Arbitration to intercept a disk mount (by creating and returning a dissenter in the appropriate callback) and then mount the disk with certain options (specifically, read-only, nobrowse, or both, depending on user options). For example: DADiskMountWithArguments(disk, nil, DADiskMountOptions(kDADiskMountOptionDefault), nil, nil, kReadOnly) …where kReadOnly is a pointer to an array only containing a “rdonly” CFString. While DADiskMountWithArguments seems to be usable in a sandboxed app for disk images, it doesn’t work when the disk is an external disk (e.g. connected via USB). I see lines like this in Console.app when this happens: Sandbox denied authorizing right 'system.volume.external.mount' by client '/path/to/exe' [17934] (engine 580) I’ve identified two workarounds that allow this to work in a sandbox, but both have their own problems: If a LaunchDaemon (even a sandboxed one, which is required for registration with SMAppService.daemon from the sandboxed app) does the call to DADiskMountWithArguments, it will succeed. But App Store policies don’t allow escalation to root. If I use the undocumented entitlement com.apple.security.temporary-exception.sbpl with a value of (allow authorization-right-obtain (right-name "system.volume.external.mount")), the mount works without escalation to root. But I understand that App Review is likely to reject the use of this entitlement, and that this entitlement isn't supported to begin with. Specifically, these are the behaviors I see on macOS Sequoia 15.3.1 and Xcode 16.2. Since I would like to try to publish this app on the App Store, neither of these seem like acceptable solutions. I don’t see why this should be restricted if the sandboxed app is not declaring a special path (i.e. the path in DADiskMountWithArguments is set to nil) and still does not have access to the mounted filesystem - am I missing something/is there a way to accomplish this?
Access NVMe SMART on iPad
When using external NVMe devices on iOS / iPadOS I cannot tell how to access the disk SMART data. On macOS I can use NVMeSMARTLibExternal.h to access this information but the same system does not seem to work on iPadOS (even with Thunderbolt NVMe devices). When using M series iPads with professional Thunderbolt storage this woudlbe very useful.
Jul ’24