iOS 14 iPhone folders disappearing

When rearranging the home screen and subsequent pages, folders containing apps will spontaneously vanish, leaving the app icons on the pages. It may be related to widgets moving on the page.
My friend and I have been having the exact same issue, however, we only manage to make it happen accidentally and never when we want to in order to see what causes the vanishing exactly.
I have had this issue since beta 1 and it is still there in beta 4. It is intermittent so not easy to recreate, really though they would have fixed it by now though.
Happened to me today too. Trying to fix it just made it worse.
Happening since beta 5 for me too. Extremely frustrating and have given up trying to fix my home screen as I just get into a loop of this bug happening.
I had this issue last night. Was trying to configure the widgets on the side home screen and next thing I know, a good portion of my folders have disappeared and the apps are now in alphabetical order. It was only some of the folders though. Really annoying since I have pretty much all my apps placed in folders.
Having this problem as well after updating to the public release. Not sure exactly when/how it happened but was playing around with widgets. Next thing I know, at least the apps from the folders on the home screen have been removed from their folders and are in alphabetical order. Had a bunch of folders and don't feel like organizing so just going to restore to backup from pre-update.
I have this issue as well. 400+ apps which were neatly organized in folders are now scattered across 16 pages.
Here too. I’m not a dev, just a user on the public release. Just lost 16 folders of apps. Pretty gutted tbh.
User-centric questions/complaints for release OSs are perhaps better suited for Apple's public community forums rather than risk off-topic here in devForums, thanks and good luck.
I have this since beta 1!!!
and now this is final version and this not fix!!
if you add widget.. all apps jump to home screens and folders are gone :(((
Same here... iPhone XS, final iOS 14 installed Wednesday from iOS 13. When I try to add or move the larger size of a widget(4x4), it delete a lot of my folders (here from many years) and every apps are displayed on 14 pages in the Home Screen...
Same here ; have only ever deployed final ios14 release - really suprised would release with this open bug
Omg this just happened to me rn. iPhone 11 iOS 14. I tried stacking a large widget onto another one and I couldn’t, then all of a sudden my folders were gone and my perfectly organized folders were gone 😭 wtfffffffff
Wow 4 years of a perfectly organized phone now with apps everywhere. How can you release a big update with such a bug?
the update was great until all of my folders disappeared. Wth any solution?
Just had this happen when rearranging widgets. Going to try to restore from iCloud backup this morning to get back old layout
I had over 300 apps that took several years to properly organize into two pages, now because I edited my music widget to be larger they are spread over 10 or so pages. I don’t understand why you would release an update with such massive issues that nobody even knew was coming? On top of that, you’re a decade late to widgets, and you couldn’t even do them properly. Please fix this and put out proper widgets and app customization.
someone needs to reply to this freaking post. Same thing happened to me ***?!
Unbelievable. And not just expanding apps everywhere but interspersed mixing up everything. Insanity! 14.0 on iPhone 11. 14.0.1 notes do not suggest this is addressed
happened to me on my xs max running on iOS 14.0.1, i was trying to add larg wedgit to other one as a slack, i hope my icloud backup will restore the folders since I've been arranging everything fro almost 10 years.

the sad thing that i found some posts complaining about this issue since the BETA release, this is major bug and should not be ignored like this.

Just had the same issue, on iOS 14.0.1: adding a large Files widget to the home screen made most (but not all) of my folders disappear. Just 12 folders are left intact. I had 90% of my 250+ apps inside 50 or 60 folders, so this is quite a disaster. Now I’m wondering how to get them back. Restore from iCloud backup?
One workaround for this madness is as follows:

• Add the widget you want to a new page

• In jiggle mode, tap the page dots and deselect all pages except the one with the widget you just added and the one where you want to add the widget to

• Drag the widget to the right place and tidy up any apps that may have moved

• Unhide the pages hidden in step 2

Added the google and world clock widgets to Home Screen. Noticed changes appeared to have happened somewhat arbitrarily to Home Screen and disappeared folders. Removed the widgets and now have numerous folders and apps unsorted and placed in what appears to be random order. Also unable to move folders within folders as I am trying to recategorise split out apps across multiple pages. Hugely frustrating.
Same here. My entire second page was folders and at least half have expanded out.
It wouldn’t be so bad if the App Library folders were editable, and I guess I’m going to use this as the impetus to use spotlight more, but it’s hugely annoying all the same.
I got the same problem. :-/
iOS 14 iPhone folders disappearing