How can we test advance App Clip Experiences as we are not able upload the binary to TestFlight?

I wanted to configure Create Advanced App Clip Experiences which is not available on App store connect. As per WWDC
we tried uploading the binary to the testflight to configure app clip but the build failed with below error
App Store Connect Operation Error
"ERROR ITMS-90834: "Unsupported content. This app contains an app clip. Apps with app clips cannot be submitted at this time."
Let us know way to test app clip feature with Advanced App Clip Experiences
Also let us know the size limitation for app clip

Xcode does not have a validation tool to verify app clip size. Sizes are validated when submitting to App Store Connect

bundled app code and resources counts in the 10MB limit

I think we need to upload the IPA to app store to see the download size.

we tried uploading the binary to the testflight to configure app clip but the build failed with below error App Store Connect Operation Error "ERROR ITMS-90834: "Unsupported content. This app contains an app clip. Apps with app clips cannot be submitted at this > time."

I'm seeing the same thing. Is there an update to when we can start uploading to the app store to verify app clip size?

There is a known bug that currently prevents app clips from being uploaded to TestFlight.
To estimate the final size of your app clip, first create a release build of your app clip, then count the size of @3x assets in its asset catalogs.

Hi DTS Engineer!
When can we expect this bug to be fixed?
Hey everyone. I just looked at App Store Connect and they have added App Clip Experiences to the app submission form. Please share any tips to the thread if you are able to run your App Clip experience through TestFlight!
So is the issue here the size of the App Clip?

Otherwise, I was able to upload my App with an App Clip using Xcode 12 beta 5. I can edit the Advanced App Clip settings in App Store Connect.
I'm using xcode12-beta5, it failed in uploading bundle, it stoped at "Authenticating with the App Store", what to do?
Using the latest xcode beta version or xcode 12 App Store version, let me successfully upload build to the TestFlight.
How can we test advance App Clip Experiences as we are not able upload the binary to TestFlight?