RealityKit seems to really hit up my device


We are developing an CV AR app using CoreML, ARKit and RealityKit.

For some reason, after about a minute~ of usage, the phone thermalStatus goes from fair to serious, which causes a bad AR experience and an immediate FPS drop to 30.

Also, we opened a feedback on this about a month ago that was never even replied.

Can anyone please assist?

FeedbackID: FB7788852
BundleID: com.yaniv.RealityKitDemo

Tested Devices: iPhone11Pro, iPhoneXS, iPadPro3 with Lidar, iPhoneX.

Without knowing further details, you should begin by locating the bottleneck in your app.
Maybe the following article could be a good starting point:
I know this doesn't directly solve your problem, the phone case you are using can also severely impact heat dissipation from the phone. Just something to keep in mind.
RealityKit seems to really hit up my device