Segue issue with iOS 9

I installed iOS 9 beta on my iPad, and from the app store installed the current version of my app (that works just fine with iOS8). But there is a problem on iOS9.

I have a container view, and inside that have a tab bar controller. One of the tabs is a table view. Clicking on a cell segues to a details page. But in iOS9 the back button / ability to navigate from the details view back to the tableview is no longer visible. In fact, none of the bottom tabs are visible either, it is like it presented it modally and took control of the screen when it should be inside a container.

Anyone else experience this?

This actually makes much more sense. I've made the change and it's working as expected. Question: is this backward compatible?

No, I think it's still broken. Try doing this

SplitView --> Navigation View 1 --(show)--> Navigation View 2

It's broken on both the iPad and the iPhone. On the iPad, it becomes show detail. On the iPhone, it becomes show modally (slides up from the bottom). Apple needs to fix this.

But if you change the segue between NVC1 to NVC2 to show detail, it works perfectly.

For the record, I tried creating a fresh new project thinking maybe I messed something up going from Xcode 6 to 7 beta, but no luck either. It's still broken.

Hi Justin!

For me this now works perfect on both iPad (landscape) and iPhone (portrait). I have this:

Split View -> Tab Bar -> NC -> VC -> NC -> VC etc
The segues are 'Show Detail' segues.

This combined with the App Delegate changes I describe in my previous post made it work in my app (Short Straw)

Regards / Stefan

This is similar to what I am seeing. I am doing something a bit different though...

My app uses a splitview for menu and details, but the menu has submenus.

In the splitview, the root view is MenuVC which is a tableview embedded in a Navigation Controller. Because any row may link to submenus, I have a show segue from the cell to the MenuVC's own navigation controller. This way, I reload the menu with the contents of it's parent. Because of this, I can't use show details segue, because that puts the submenu in the wrong side of the splitview.

On iPhone, it works fine and I get a back button. On ipad, no dice. All navigation is one way.

I had a similar similar situation to this. I eventually fixed it by removing the navigation controller leading to the split view, and instead embedding the split view controller in a container view, which was then placed in a regular view controller and sized to take up the entire view. The push segue that had been leading to the navigation controller instead pushes to the view controller with the embedded split view, apparently preserving all functionality. I can confirm that this works on iPad.

Hi, I have the same problem but have not solved it yet. I have tried many of the above suggestions. One point I woud make is that using xcode 7.0 and iOS 9, if you start a new project and select the 'Master-Detail' template, the template application works fine and the setup appears to be identical as in the past versions, with the spitview in relations to the navigation-master and navigation-detail views. why does it work if you sart a new application, but does not when converting the xcode 6.4 into the xcode 7.0 app?

Thanks for your answer. It works!

Thanks bro, today i spend whole day on this issue, but now your reply is too good and solve my issue Thanks

Segue issue with iOS 9