Segue issue with iOS 9

I installed iOS 9 beta on my iPad, and from the app store installed the current version of my app (that works just fine with iOS8). But there is a problem on iOS9.

I have a container view, and inside that have a tab bar controller. One of the tabs is a table view. Clicking on a cell segues to a details page. But in iOS9 the back button / ability to navigate from the details view back to the tableview is no longer visible. In fact, none of the bottom tabs are visible either, it is like it presented it modally and took control of the screen when it should be inside a container.

Anyone else experience this?

hi flat dog re-boot your device into recovery mode and boot up with the ios9 beta 1 ipsw

Not sure I understand, I already installed iOS9 beta from the ipsw on the device.


Yes, I just downloaded xCode7 and running my app in the simulator for iOS9 gives exactly this behavior. Clicking on a button that triggers a "Show Detail" segue causes the page to slide in from the bottom and cover the tab bar.

For the moment I am assuming it is an issue with the Beta version (fingers crossed)

/ Stefan

Thanks, Stefan, happy to know it isn't just me! Must be a bug in iOS 9 beta 1.

Hey guys, I'm having a similar problem. Installed Xcode 7 beta 2 and iOS 9 beta 2 and still have the same problem :/


I have a big problem, I made a very heavy application with multiple images, my problem is that the application will automatically crash after a number of open UIPageController.

I made the different link ( segue ) via the Storyboard but I am unable to empty the stack UIPageController open and empty the cache.

ps: I can not use the default of a UINavigationController not meet the specifications . Have you an idea on how to clear a stack and thus to have no problem (memory warning )

thank you Regards,


Some code

- (IBAction)btns1:(id)sender {
    Chapter1Controller *chapter1 = [[Chapter1Controller alloc]initWithNibName:@"Chapter1Controller" bundle:nil];
    UIStoryboardSegue *chapter1sm1 = [[UIStoryboardSegue alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"chapter1sm1" source:self destination:chapter1];
    [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"chapter1sm1" sender:self];

That's a completely different issue. You should start your own thread with that question.

I just tried in Beta 3 and the issue is still there.

Now, I am getting a bit worried, this is such an obvious thing that it should be easily spotted and corrected. This in combination with the fact that Apples own apps (Health, Music etc) works fine seem to indicate taht maybe it is us who are doing something faulty. I also downloaded two other third-party apps and they still work properly in iOS9.

/ Stefan

Hi FlatDog!

Do you have a NavigationController between the TableView and the Details page? I did, removing that restored the functionality.

I must have added that for historical reasons, but it is actually not needed and the (iPhone) app now works perfect again.
I still need to check when running on iPad, missing navigation bar there, but I guess that is easy to fix.

/ Stefan

Hi Stefan, I believe I do have a navigation controller, I will check later today. With it removed, how do you get the title bar at the top?

Ah, sorry, you are right. I added those Navigation Controllers in order to get the Navigation bar when running on an iPad. Back to square one.

/ Stefan

Another dev here and I'm facing the same issue on iOS 9 beta 3

My app works fine in iOS 8, but in iOS 9 the nav bar's back buttons aren't present annymore and it seems the new page comes from the bottom of the screen instead of coming from the right in a typical Push Segue.

I'm also wondering if its our fault since there are other 3rd party apps that work just fine. Hard bug, but good to know there are others facing the same issue.

I've filed a bug report: 21819308

I believe I've found the bug (its a bug in my code)

Initially, I had been using the Navigation controller in the wrong way. For every new ViewController, I would embed in a new NavigationViewController (from 'Editor->Embed In->Navigation Controller'

This had been working fine until now, but now the back buttons disappeared.

So I tested out a new way - I created a new ViewController and hooked it up with a button with a Show Segue. But I DID NOT 'Embed In Navigation Controller'.

The Back button then showed up as expected.

tldr: storyboard Before:

NavigationController ----> ViewController A ----> NavigationController -------> ViewController B ------> NavigationController -----> ViewController C

^^(back button missing) ^^(back missing)

After: (works in iOS 9, 8, 7)

NavigationController ----> ViewController A -------> ViewController B ------> ViewController C

(no missing Back buttons, segues work as expected)

Give it a shot! This explains why many major apps work fine regarding segues and Navigation controllers.

But then you lose the title bar...

Segue issue with iOS 9