Has anyone had a tvOS app pass review yet?

I submited my apps this morning (UK TIME) and they have been in review all day

Has anyone had an app pass or fail yet?


I've got 2 going through the process and had a couple of bounces so far. The first one for both of them was that the menu button wasn't exiting from the main menu of the game on a tap. (I misread the UI design guide as meaning the menu button being held would be ok). Fixed and resubmitted both as they had the same issue. Then the first one was rejected because the menu button tap didn't exit if it was tapped straight after launching the game. The other was rejected a day later because the variant of the routines I was using for the menu button on that one (different engines) let it sometimes skip out of gameplay from the pause menu on a menu button tap when it shouldn't. Both now waiting for review again and hopefully are ok for everything else. Turnaround time seems to be a couple of days from submission to in review so sounds like they've still got the full review team on full throttle.

My app was in review for over 4 days but got rejected on the menu button.

I've made some changes and submitted for review. The information on https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/23693 helped me.

Lets see if Apple are happy with it this time. I'm just hoping if they do reject the app it doesn't take them 4 days.

still in review.....

My app just changed to 'Pending Developer Release'! 🙂

My app is now "ready for sale"

My app also just got the "Ready for sale" status.


Good info, thanks.

So if 10% use the forums, and 1% submit for tvOS, that means, what...100 dev apps available by Friday?

Woot! Ready for sale!

Thanks I am also now ready for sale!!!! Good Luck Guys and girls

Submitted mine last friday and ready for sale today 🙂

Congrats everyone with approvals!

Mine went into review 2am Thursday and still in review...

Me too - a lot of excitement/fear about whether it will make it for Friday's big day.

Mine is Ready for Sale, exciting! It's called Linjer, which is the Swedish word for Lines. Simple game but quite challenging.

Ready for sale as well!

Good luck everyone! 🙂