Has anyone had a tvOS app pass review yet?

I submited my apps this morning (UK TIME) and they have been in review all day

Has anyone had an app pass or fail yet?


I got rejected for MENU misuse, too. (A few days of furious re-architecting, and I was okay.)

As I conjecture in a separate thread, I think the problem comes from the fact that third-party game controllers need to be able to "back out" of an app. Since those controllers don't necessarily have hardware Home buttons, we have to provide an alternative exit strategy. Currently, our only option is to always provide a path back to some "top level" of an app, from which MENU goes home. Most of our problems would be solved if Apple provided an API for *programmatically* exiting an app gracefully, so that we can pepper software Home buttons wherever an escape hatch seemed appropriate in our UIs.

Congrats to everyone that got released! I wish all the apps that are still in review or do not have a feature a quick turnaround, the lack of categories is pretty frustrating (we were lucky and got a feature).

Resubmitted this morning after changing the way the menu button work, ready for sale a few hours later 🙂