Can't add Enterprise team to Xcode Server Developer Teams

I'm getting odd results when trying to add our Enterprise team to the list of Developer Teams in the XCode service in OS X Server 5.0.4 on El Capitan.

I have admin privs in the team and I have my local signing cert installed on the server host. When I go to add it through the Server, I see the hostname and the id for it show up in the 'Servers' section of the portal.

However, I'm getting back the following message each time.

I got our Agent to login and neither of us say any place in the Portal to do this. Is this an out-of-band request we need to file with Apple to enable?

As a side effect, integrations are failing saying it can't find a proper cert to sign with (even though its installed!) I feel that these two issues are somehow interrelated.

Is this worth of a radar or support call? Or is this just beta stuff that I have to wade through?

Any suggestions or thoughts are most appreciated

The image didn't carry over, sorry.

The message I'm getting back is:

The selected team does not have a program membership that is eligible for this feature.

Visit the Apple Developer Member Center to update your membership,

Having the same issue on our side too, cannot add enterprise program.

Did you manage to resolve it?

Same issue here as well, Anyone resolve this?

Same issue, can't add enterprise developer team to Xcode server team. Filed radar://23356315. Anyone solved this?

Did this get resolved? I'm also having the same issue with an Enterprise Account. This used to work for us with XCode 6. Did something change?

No solution to this as of yet. My radar got closed as duplicate of 18420280 which is still shown as open.

I'm having the same issue as well. I can add all of my regular developer teams, but not my Enterprise team.

I encourage you to file a duplicate of rdar://18420280.

I did file a bug through and so did one of my co workers as we both had the same problem on different machines.

Filed rdar://23820480 - Unable to add XcodeServer to Enterprise Account. Hopeful that this can get reported enough for them to make the fix a priority.

Sounds like this is a known issue to Apple... per Xcode Release Notes, as of Xcode 7.1:

Xcode Server

Xcode Server may not be able to join new development teams with versions of OS X Server other than version 4.1.5.Existing team memberships will continue to work correctly. (22539804)

There are a number of threads about this same issue:

Is there any known workaround to this defect? Can I downgrade OS X server to version 4.1.5? I was hired to set up Xcode/Xcode Server continuos integration and I am going to lose my job if I can't get this to work with the company's enterprise account.

I spent a ton of time on this issue including many long discussions with Apple support staff. The only solution that should work is downgrading to OS X Server 4. Keep in mind that it is not compatible with El Capitane so you will need to have a server with Yosemite installed.

You can't find old versions of OS X Server by searching on the App Store, but if you can find a direct link you should still be able to download it. I can't find a link for OS X Server 4 right now, here are links to older versions:

If you search online you should be able to find an iTunes link to OS X Server 4.

I haven't tested this yet, but I have set up an Enterprise team with OS X Server 4 before about 4 months ago and it worked with no problem.

If you have time please file a bug report on this issue with Apple.

Thank you. I filed a bug report and I have been attempting uncsuccessfully to locate a link to download OS X Server 4. I think OS X version 3 and 2 have separate links because they were separate apps in the Mac App Store while version 4 the same app id as version 5. This may be why I am having trouble.

We are still running Yosemite so downgrading to OS X Server 4 should be an acceptable workaround.

I filed radar://23356315 on 11/2 and it was closed as duplicate of radar://18420280, which is still open. Considering that this issue is a regression from previsous versions of Xcode server, it's very frustrating that this takes so long to get resolved. I encourage you to reference my radar or the original radar to escelate this issue.

Can't add Enterprise team to Xcode Server Developer Teams