Can't add Enterprise team to Xcode Server Developer Teams

I'm getting odd results when trying to add our Enterprise team to the list of Developer Teams in the XCode service in OS X Server 5.0.4 on El Capitan.

I have admin privs in the team and I have my local signing cert installed on the server host. When I go to add it through the Server, I see the hostname and the id for it show up in the 'Servers' section of the portal.

However, I'm getting back the following message each time.

I got our Agent to login and neither of us say any place in the Portal to do this. Is this an out-of-band request we need to file with Apple to enable?

As a side effect, integrations are failing saying it can't find a proper cert to sign with (even though its installed!) I feel that these two issues are somehow interrelated.

Is this worth of a radar or support call? Or is this just beta stuff that I have to wade through?

Any suggestions or thoughts are most appreciated

Hmm you're right. I had come across a link for OS Server 4 before but now the link just takes me to Server 5. I have also looked for a while for other download links and have been unsucessful so far. I'm afraid it just may not be possible... :-( . The only think I could suggest then would be to contact Apple support and see if there is something they can do.

I found a source for OS X Server version 4.1.5. and installed with Yosemite and Xcode 7.2 on server and I still can not add an enterprise team to devloper teams on the server. No error messag is given and the server does get added to the team in the developer account though.

Can you try it with Xcode 6?

BTW, I have always observed the server being added in the developer portal, even when I get the error in OS X Server.

Also, would it be possible to share the source for OS X Server 4.1.5?

We had this issue too and were finally able to get around it. You will need to download OS X Server 4.1.5 and Xcode 6.4.

Install OS X Server 4.1.5 and setup it up with Xcode 6.4, add all of your development teams. Switch OS X Server to Xcode 7 and then upgrade OS X Server to the latest (5.0.15). If you get an error saying that you need to agree to the terms and condiditions run 'sudo /Applications/' and wait until it shows the create new project screen.

Xcode 6.4 is available on the Developer Site and OS X Server is available at: OS X Server 4.1.5.dmg

Hello Fazeel,

The link does not seem to be working, any other way I could get a hand on this version ?

Kind regards,


This issue is fixed in OS X Server 5.1.

Can't add Enterprise team to Xcode Server Developer Teams