"Cannot connect to iTunes Store" during testing

Out of the blue, I've started to get this message when trying to test IAP using TestFlight. On a couple of occassions, the message was different and referred to an inability to create a secure SSL connection. I have gone back and checked multiple prior builds and they present the same issue. I looked at the Developer Status page and everything is green. Is anyone else having this problem?

Answered by DannyByersII in 410647022

Follow-up: just as mysteriously as it began to happen, the issue stopped. I checked production builds back 2 months and confirmed the issue existed in those builds. I can only assume that there was something going on with the sandbox store that has been addressed since I posted my initial question.

Accepted Answer

Follow-up: just as mysteriously as it began to happen, the issue stopped. I checked production builds back 2 months and confirmed the issue existed in those builds. I can only assume that there was something going on with the sandbox store that has been addressed since I posted my initial question.

We are experiencing the same issue since yesterday. Does anyone know whats causing it? Our office is based in Europe.

We are currently experiencing this error for the last 8 hours. The only message we are seeing from the StoreKit is:

NSLocalizedDescription : Cannot connect to iTunes Store

Our backend services (based in US) are also not able to connect to Apple sandbox endpoints for receipt validation.

The issue re-appeared for me yesterday, but is only happening on simulators. When I test on actual devices, the sandbox store is reachable as expected.

My team has been seeing the "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" (quite often) as well "An SSL error has occured and a secure connection to the server cannot be made." (very infrequent). This has been recently without a true understanding as to why. Neither are consistant and only occur when testing IAP with Sandbox users.

I have been seeing this for several days as well. I am using PHP to call to the sandbox verifyReceipt function and the exact error I am getting when it fails is error 35 with the description as:

OpenSSL SSL_connect: Connection reset by peer in connection to sandbox.itunes.apple.com:443

This is an intermittent problem as it will work without issue sometimes. I thought the issue was resovled yesterday as things were working fine until this morning when it was broken again.

Happening to me with Test Flight builds. What is going on with Apple?

Had lots of issues last week with "Cannot connect to iTunes" message.

Started TestFlight today and beta testers cannot connect/purchase IAP. One tester can't even download the app in TestFlight. "Try again later."

Embarrased and dissapointed... 😟

is it resolved now? as we are experiencing same issue since last Friday.

I'm getting this error in production and losing subscribers. I haven't done any updates to either the app or the backend recently.

"Cannot connect to iTunes Store" during testing