Can't load TestFlight Tab

I have problems to access to the TestFlight tab, i recenlty upload an IPA throught Transporter, and as ussual, i can send this to review for appstore... but i cant access to testflight tab in order to send the build to our testers before sending the build to our customers.

I check the access with our user agent and the administrator of the account.. the result is the same... if i try to access to the testflight tab, the page bring back to the home :S

In the browser console i see that the request for: /testflight/v1/properties/provider/<ID>/app/<ID>

respond with:


Problem accessing /v1/properties/provider/xxxxx/app/xxxxxx. Reason:

and the request for: /iris/v1/betaLicenseAgreements?filter%5Bapp%5D=<ID>&limit=1

respond with:

  "errors": [{
  "status": "500",
  "title": "An unexpected error occurred.",
  "detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at"


I have the same problem since yesterday. Sent an email to Apple support, which replied the usual stuff: clear your cache, history ....

It didnot work ...

Same exact issue. Redirects to Connect's homepage. Not a cahce memory/history either. I tried it on different computers and browsers with same exact result

Identical issues after uploading IPA using Transporter as above. Tried different computers and browsers which didn't help. Also have the error message "There was an issue while retrieving your apps." when browsing the Users and Access page. Emailed support and wating for a response.

One more witness here, identical issues - emailed Apple support waiting for response.

Uploaded Testflight IPA Friday evening with Application Loader.

Received approval email & Build shows clearly in App Store Connect under Activity tab.

Clicking on TestFlight tab redirects to Connect homepage.

Other apps in our library also have same redirect issue --> TestFlight tab redirects to Connect homepage.

Something is obviously off on their back end...

Contacted Apple support Saturday morning.

We are also experiencing this issue. We run Bitrise as usual to build our IPA and deploy it to itunes connect. We see the build there, but when trying to navigate to the Testflight tab we see a loader for one second and then the page navigates back to the home screen.

We have not changed anything in our Bitrise workflow. It worked just fine a day ago.

I've managed to capture the http errors from chorme while loading the page:

Activity App Analytics Sales and Trends

Pricing service — LOAD DATA ► {data: {m), messages: fmj, statusCode: "SUCCESS")

app services.cf1c2668d6.js:333 app services.cf1c2668d6.js:334

• ► GET 500 • ► GET 500 • ► GET 403

vendor.16d4284eeb.js:1 vendor.16d4284eeb.js:1 vendor.16d4284eeb.js:1


Same issue here.
I have successfully uploaded a new build which I'd like to release to my testers via Testflight, but every time I switch to the "Testflight" tab I get redirected back to the Connect homepage.
Tested on different browsers and different computers, cleared all the cache and history, with no luck.
It's probably a problem in their backend.

Ditto on all fronts. Haven't been able to access since late Friday.

Same happening here since Friday (Feb 28th)...

Same here. Very frustrating! I called the Developer Program contact phone number and the support person didn't have much info—just that my account looked fine and sent me a follow-up email to submit more information. I also sent an email via the contact page. Here's the form for anyone else with the issue to contact them:!/topic/SC1104/subtopic/30042/solution/select

Hopefully this gets fixed soon!

Same issue on my end -- haven't been able to access TestFlight since Saturday 2/29. I uploaded my new app version on 2/29 -- could this be a leap year issue?

Same issue here. Lost a whole day looking for solution.

Can't load TestFlight Tab