I have problems to access to the TestFlight tab, i recenlty upload an IPA throught Transporter, and as ussual, i can send this to review for appstore... but i cant access to testflight tab in order to send the build to our testers before sending the build to our customers.
I check the access with our user agent and the administrator of the account.. the result is the same... if i try to access to the testflight tab, the page bring back to the home :S
In the browser console i see that the request for: /testflight/v1/properties/provider/<ID>/app/<ID>
respond with:
Problem accessing /v1/properties/provider/xxxxx/app/xxxxxx. Reason:
and the request for: /iris/v1/betaLicenseAgreements?filter%5Bapp%5D=<ID>&limit=1
respond with:
"errors": [{
"status": "500",
"title": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at https://developer.apple.com/contact/."