I have problems to access to the TestFlight tab, i recenlty upload an IPA throught Transporter, and as ussual, i can send this to review for appstore... but i cant access to testflight tab in order to send the build to our testers before sending the build to our customers.I check the access with our user agent and the administrator of the account.. the result is the same... if i try to access to the testflight tab, the page bring back to the home :SIn the browser console i see that the request for: /testflight/v1/properties/provider/<ID>/app/<ID>respond with:HTTP ERROR 403Problem accessing /v1/properties/provider/xxxxx/app/xxxxxx. Reason:
Forbiddenand the request for: /iris/v1/betaLicenseAgreements?filter%5Bapp%5D=<ID>&limit=1respond with:{
"errors": [{
"status": "500",
"title": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at https://developer.apple.com/contact/."