Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app


I have run through as many different things as possible:

1. Changed build version

2. Reset provisioning profile

3. Deleted and readded appstore connect users

I have even changed SKU, bundle identifier, and created a new app. Nothing is working. Testers cannnot see the app in testflight.

It has been working perfectly until this weekend and suddenly: not working.

Any help appreciated!


Same problem here. I've filed a support case referencing this thread.

the same problem here, tried everything, even expired the previous builds. No luck


Same issue, newly uploaded and "ready" TestFlight build(s) show up successfully in App Store Connect but not in the TestFlight app for install, and no invitations for new build(s) sent.

[Someone suggested rebooting target device(s), however that didn't help in my situation; still no success with installing "ready" TestFlght builds. I've also just now contacted support.]

Agree, wasted a few hours until I found this thread. TestFlight showing "green" at Apple's status page.

Adding a +1 to the chorus. Experiencing the same issue and completely dead in the water until this is resolved.


Exactly the same issue here...

Same issue here. Supposed to be delivering a test for my client! 😠

same issue here...

Same here

Same here, all day been uploading new builds, expiring builds, adding appstore users removing app store users. The builds are processed but then never go out.

Same issue here in Singapore, happened to me at least since Monday, 10 Feb.

Same issue here in Japan...

Update: a new build I just submitted went through & is available in TestFlight. The only things that have changed since my previous attempts are:

  1. I went through the steps to automate the "Export Compliance", bumped my version & re-built+re-submitted
  2. I filed a ticket with Apple

I'm guessing either the export compliance automation fixed it (perhaps the manual export compliance tooling is broken right now?) or else someone at Apple fixed something.

I have the same issue.

am also having the same issue facing since yesterday ( location from india).

Same issue. Openned ticket with Apple. Waiting for response.

The "automate Export Compliance" works, now I can see my latest build on TestFlight in iOS.

Same issue, still not working here from HK!

i also have same issue

i also have same issue. since yesterday...

I have the same issue that doesn't get a new version to keep 10 minutes and more.

Same issue here, EU/Poland. After 5h of tries, I gave up.

Pay 99 USD for not working platform yay.

+1 same issue

this works!!

+1 Same Issue

Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app