Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app


I have run through as many different things as possible:

1. Changed build version

2. Reset provisioning profile

3. Deleted and readded appstore connect users

I have even changed SKU, bundle identifier, and created a new app. Nothing is working. Testers cannnot see the app in testflight.

It has been working perfectly until this weekend and suddenly: not working.

Any help appreciated!



Helped me too!

Same issue. Tried uploaded different builds. I have expired the previous builds but they are still on TestFlight.

Same issue.


I have the same issue since Monday.


Is Apple aware of this issue? I already open a ticket!

Same issue.

thanks, worked for me too!

The above fixed it for me: Add the ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption key to your app’s Info.plist file with a Boolean value that indicates whether your app uses encryption. Set the value to NO if your app—including any third-party libraries it links against—doesn’t use encryption, or if it only uses forms of encryption that are exempt from export compliance documentation requirements. Otherwise, set it to YES. Once I did that my build became available.

Providing "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" on Info.plist works!

The previous builds without this key seem to be ignored.


I opened a ticket, and they answered as they've never heard a thing about it.

They asked me to complete the following info, and after that, they would start investigating:

- Apple ID and name of tester:

- Email address the invitation went to:

- Full-window screenshots or recordings from the TestFlight app that show the user's Apple ID:


I also have this issue since Monday (February 10, 2020).

I can confirm that setting the Export Compliance in the plist file and rebuilding allowed the app to appear in TestFlight immediately once app processing completed.

I have the same issue.

Firstly I tried to upload a new build for the same version - doesn't work

Then I increased version and uploaded to appstoreconnect - doesn't work

On testFlight app, I still see and can install the build which I expire before.

I tried also delete users and add them again, it doesn't help

How did you exactly set Export Compliance? What exactly did you add in Info.Plist? You mean that you added

ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption ?

okay, I just have tested it, adding


fixed issue for me as well!


Immediate fix:

  1. I went through the steps to automate the "Export Compliance", bumped my version & re-built and re-submitted.
  2. New build was immediately available to TestFlight users as soon as processing completed.

I can also verify that the workaround in including the 'App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption' (ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption) key works. In our case, we set its value to 'NO'.

I will follow up with Apple and point this out. Sadly, in yet-another response from them late last night, they asked to double-check any spam folders for the invites and re-asked some of the questions on the questionaire I already sent them. Sigh. I have a feeling they completely ignored the first sentence in my reply which pointed them to this very thread.

Adding the below key to your .plist fixes the issue:


Then release the new version.

Happy coding!!!