Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app


I have run through as many different things as possible:

1. Changed build version

2. Reset provisioning profile

3. Deleted and readded appstore connect users

I have even changed SKU, bundle identifier, and created a new app. Nothing is working. Testers cannnot see the app in testflight.

It has been working perfectly until this weekend and suddenly: not working.

Any help appreciated!



Just add new value into your info.plist file "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" = NO

After that upload a new version to TestFlight again. It will solve your issue

I have the same issue.

This worked for me too, thanks!

On with Apple they are aware of the problem but do not yet have an ETA that we can expect this fixed. BUMMER! For now, I am using Installr. 3 free downloads.

Thanks! It helped 🙂

i already selected this from test flight missing complaince before publish, still have the same problem

Same happening here. I got in touch with the customer support and waiting them to send an email for me to provide more information. Will keep you posted.

Mine does, webviews but says was successful and to change in future.

This worked, but the "What to Test" section remains blank, despite filling it in on App Store Connect site, so its still broken.

Same issue.

I'm having the same issue.

Same problem, adding the "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" key in Info.plist and republishing didn't solve problem because Build is now stuck in processing for 2 hours, where previous builds got processed in a few minutes for internal testers.

Status page is now reporting an issue:

Thank goodness for this thread, and thank goodness it showed up high enough in my search results that I was able to find it. I have been struggling with this same issue since yesterday and had spent a couple hours as well trying to understand why I could not see my newest build in the TestFlight app.

I added the App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption field to my Info.plist, set the value to No, and uploaded a new build and it fixed the issue as others have reported.

Per a previous comment, processing the new build did take much longer than normal. Typically my builds for this app process in 10-15 minutes, sometimes faster; but my new build took between 2 and 2.5 hours to process. But it did eventually complete processing and then everything worked great.

Also, my iOS app has a Watch app and Watch extension in the project. They each have their own Info.plist. I am a new watch developer and I didn’t know for sure, so I tried adding App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption to their Info.plist files as well. I figured the more the better… but this produced an error after uploading to App Store Connect. So if you have a watch app as part of your Xcode project, you only need to modify the main / original Info.plist.

this works for me!!!