Testflight Build missing

We uploaded a build using Xcode, we saw it on testflight processing but suddenly gone. Is there any problem on App Store Connect?

I think it's fixed.

Yes, works for me now. Incremented the build number, created a new build and uploaded.

Not working for me... the build previously worked then my new build dissapeared again.

I got same issue.

Same issue here

Same here. Sent a build (number 22) and it uploaded successfully and was processing. This morning got up and saw that it's gone. Tried uploading it again but it is rejected by saying build 22 is already uploaded. Then bumbed build to 23, uploaded again. Processing, and when processing is completed it disappeared too.

Still happening, uploaded 3 builds and all disappeared. First upload was 6 hours ago now.

Same here, submitted one about 5h ago and another one an hour later, both gone. I'm deliberately not submitting any more as I have feeling people doing this might actually make the issue even worse.

same, not working

Still happening to us

Had this issue twice for past few days.

First time, 1st build disappeared after processing, tho we eventually got warning email day after that. Right after uploading 1st build, we fixed missing Privacy Usage Description in Info.plist (it was a demo build), and it worked.

Second time, last night, first 4 builds were eaten alive by Testflight 😟 , no warning email, nothing, and we were in the middle of emergence release.

Eventually, issue got resolved, by updating Capabilities in Developer Portal to match with what's in our project (we use manaual signing).

And this morning, all those eaten builds were ruminated by Testflight 😕, and all stuck in processing.

I guess if you are still facing this issue, try:

1. Update Info.plist to include all necessary fields (for our first encounter, it was appicon and Privacy Usage Description)

2. Update Capabilities to match with what's in your project, and provisioning profiles

I am also facing the same issue today. i have uploaded more that 6 builds but all disappared while in procrssing.

tried 7 builds. first 4 with fastlane. it just hung forever for build to show up in testflight. app showed up briefly on testflight then disappeared.

then i tried uploading 3 builds with Xcode, app showed up in TF then disppeared again.

i'm completely stuck..

Same here tried it today. Any fixes?

Same here :/
Had the same problem recently: after uploading with Xcode, the build shows up in Activity page with "processing" status for 5-10 minutes and then silently disappears without any error messages or emails. It's worth nothing that I was trying to upload exactly the same code which was successfully distributed not long ago.

I was struggling with this bug for about 3 weeks, did 30+ upload attempts in total. Feedback Assistant refused to help, saying that they cannot reproduce. Code-level support (TSI) didn't even answer my requests (I've made two of them). Great job, Apple! Nice to know that you care about developers so much, especially when there's a problem on your side!

After all I've managed to solve the issue on my own by upgrading all 3rd party pods to their latest versions. Took some time because of backwards-incompatible changes in some of them, but anyway.. Cannot really say which one was the root of the problem (we have 20+ direct dependencies in our app), the main suspect is the Rx* family.

Hope this will help someone facing the same problem right now (because most probably you won't get any help from Apple "engineers").
After spending some time in researching why this happened, I received e-mail with explanation. Was missing some descriptions in plist file. But yeah. What if I didn't saw this email!? This is not user friendly and done poorly. In TestFlight itself we should be able to see reasons why build is being removed!!!
I uploaded IOS build yesterday on TestFlight but still not visible on App Store Connect nor received any mail regarding rejection. Please help
I have created a new app on iTunes and tried uploading my build but it gets disappeared every time without any error prompts or emails..
I have checked my .plist. No usage permission is missing.

Please help me if anybody knows how to know what the issue is.

This same problem happed twice today - June 7 2021. Apple's identifies/provisional profile server was down earlier and now this! On WWDC day too. Don't push code until you know it works.

Same here - build showed up for a while in App Store connect TestFlight - and after a few it's missing. I've tried twice - both the same issue.

Same here ~ Testflight Build missing

Same here! Anyone manage to submit successfully today?

I have the same problem today. Uploaded an app 3 times today with different Bundle versions. The build appears on TestFlight and then on the next refresh of the browser, it disappears. Earlier today, I have installed a new version of XCode and I use Visual Studio for Mac and updated the Xamarin.Swift package.. How can this be fixed?

Testflight Build missing