"Update not found"

I'm not being able to install the 10.15 beta. When I install the Beta Access Utility it opens System Preferences and acts like it's checking for a software update, but then says "The requested version of macOS is not available." Anybody running into this?

Same for me.

Mine is working, but wont install

try a few times. had it once but after quiting control panel and going into it again it worked.

If you run into an issue with the installer saying the application is damaged, the following should solve this:

1. Go to applications, and locate the macOS Catalina installer

3. Right-click the installer and click "Show Package Contents."

4. Open the "Contents" folder, then open the "SharedSupport" folder

5. There should be a file "InstallInfo.plist", delete this file (you will be asked to your administrator password to confirm) now try run the installer

Same issue here. I really want to get started with Catalyst, but I can't without Catalina.

It turned out that the problem for me was that I had a configuration profile installed that blocks access to macOS betas... oops. Great to keep users from breaking things with a beta, but not so good when I'm trying to start testing, haha.

I asked the the local sysadmin at the large telco where I work about this, and he confirmed that our machines also are blocking beta access. He showed me how to whitelist my machine, though, but only after going through the "we won't be able to support you" speech.

So if the rest of you are on corporate devices, I'd say to reach out to your friendly neighborhood sysadmin and ask about it.

I had this problem and in Settings > Software Update I unchecked "Automatically keep my Mac up to date" and was able to download Catalina.

Is there a fix for this? I have tried EVERYTHING and I can't get past 10.14.6. Says "The requested version of macOS is not available."

I've cleared preferences, restarted, turned off Automatic Updates, and tried everything else I can think of.

Any top secret ideas as to why my laptop won't recognize that there's a beta update for it? Says I'm up to date with Mojave 10.14.6. It also says I'm part of the Beta Program.

I have also attempted unenrolling the device and re-enrolling.

It's a MacBook Pro 15" 2018.

Thank you... I'm very frustrated.

Exact same issue here on a 2016 Macbook Pro, UGH!

I just tried a complete reinstall of Mojave thinking maybe something was stuck - that didn't help either.

Same exact problem here. iMac, only a couple months old

Same issue here. Mid 2018 Macbook Pro, but update not found

Same issue here, Mid 2015 Macbook Pro 15"

i had the same problem

try this link


works for me

scaned it with viurustotal...clean

"Update not found"